Monday, August 23, 2010


What a great picture Craig took of Times Square! It was kinda a last minute business trip & I'm not there.  But,  that's ok...Las Vegas this Friday!

SUPPLEMENT!!! San Francisco...A Blog Update By Craig!...From Before We Went

Yes, we'll be driving a rental car and leaving it at the airport. BART now zooms right from the airport to the city, so it is very easy to get from there. Parking is so expensive in S.F.  It was $50/night at our hotel, not including tax, and that was on the low side of what's available. That would mean $200 just in parking, more than the nightly room rate of the Sir Francis Drake. It kills me, the principal of the matter. So for less than a $100 plus a tank or two of gas, we are doing the scenic drive up the 101 in a rental car and leaving it there.

We decided against Highway 1 because in summertime we'd be caught behind campers and RVs, and against the 5 because, god knows, the 5 is boring.  Our plan is to get the car at 7 a.m., get Starbucks, have breakfast at Sambo's in Santa Barbara, and then pretty much drive uninterrupted to SFO so we can shower, relax, and go out for dinner. The daytime high has been 55 there—brrr.